Wednesday, October 27, 2010

little tibbit from my senior paper on technology advancement vs. the verichip vs the war on terrorism

For a little insite on what im working on, i am trying to tie in the verichip ( a chip with everything about you) to the War on terror ( i believe eventually America will bring this to the home front, using verichip as an controlling agent). But at the same time id like to fill my paper with my own views such as this one on Computer advancement....."
. Proven that technology and computer programming make a significant leap every two weeks, which means its evolving at a more alarming rate then we humans. At the rate its going it will slowly advance faster and faster and once it catches up to replicating our complete life will it be able to advance past us, its creators. For example, the Sims video game, the characters can be programmed to do the same thing everyday like cook, clean, shower, work, use the bathroom, even agknowledge love. When will that game be able to feel his/her own feelings, when will the character you make get fed up with his job and quit on his own, maybe go home and make him a drink of his choice."

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