Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Recession Recovery Sign A Lucky Charm

As a kid parents tend to show how bad the recession really is, but at one point it just became obvious how bad things had gotten. Many companys were making cut backs, but when cereal started cut backs i knew it was something serious. I dont mean like Captain Crunches horribly tacky box decor, but at one point i was throwing away the brown things in lucky charms so i could possibly have stratagized a way to get a marshmellow in every few bites. Now im trying to eat as much of those crunchy mellows in eat bite so im not stuck with an abundance of them left over, but lucky charms ratio leap from like 20/80 to 80/20 shows signs that maybe the recession i starting to passover??

1 comment:

  1. i thinkk this recession going on right now is worse than the one we had a few years ago.
